Cook County Pension Fund (CCPF) retiree members at or approaching the Medicare eligibility age of 65 within the next year are invited to an upcoming Medicare education seminar to:
- Learn about Medicare enrollment and Easy Pay from a Social Security Administration representative.
- Hear how eligible members are automatically enrolled in the SilverScript prescription plan for eligible members and how Medicare coverage works with UnitedHealthcare.
WHEN: 10AM - Noon
Thursday, September 12, 2019
WHERE: 70 W Madison St*
2nd Flr Conference Room
Chicago, IL 60602
Space is Limited – Pre-registration is required. Call 312-603-1200, Option 2, to sign up by September 9. *A photo I.D. is required to attend.
Important: Continuation in the CCPF Health Plan for members age 65 and over or disabled requires enrollment in Medicare Parts A and B.