1099 Tax Forms

Your 1099-R Tax Form

1099-R Forms Mailed January 22, 2025

1099-R tax forms for 2024 were mailed on January 22, 2025.

If you have not received your form by January 31, 2025, please contact the Fund office at 312-603-1200, option 8.

Please note: If you have moved, you must provide a completed Tax Center Change of Address form as soon as possible. The 1099-R form will be mailed to the new address.

Understanding Your 1099-R Tax Forms

Box 1: Reports your gross annuity paid

Box 2a: Reports your taxable amount paid

Box 4: Reports your federal tax withheld

Box 5: Reports your non-taxable amount paid during 2024

Your non-taxable amount paid during that period is determined by any post-tax contributions you made to CCPF prior to your retirement. Box 1 – Box 2a = Box 5


Tax Withholding

The Internal Revenue Service revises the tax tables, which could affect the amount of tax withheld from your benefit check. Your tax advisor can help you decide whether to adjust your withholding amounts for the year.

You are entitled to change the federal tax withholding on your annuity at any time. To do so, download the Federal Tax Withholding Change form or call (312) 603-1200 to request a form by mail.  If you are among the majority of members who receive an annuity via direct deposit, you will receive a January 1 advice that reflects the gross annuity, deductions, and net payment amount for the year. Keep this advice in your records for future reference.