Cook County Fund Overview

The Cook County Pension Fund (CCPF) serves a very diverse membership that reflects the contributions that Cook County employees have long made to the community. For example, CCPF provides benefits to nurses whose skills assist the ill and infirm and to sheriff’s police who keep the community safe. The lifelong service of County employees are assets that are not easily quantified, but that are greatly appreciated.

Learn about the Forest Preserve District Fund

Member Contributions to CCPF

Cook County employees contribute 8.5% of their pensionable salary to CCPF. (Sheriff’s Police contribute 9%.) Through their years of employment, they build service credit towards a retirement annuity or pension. An employee’s years of service and total contributions are considered in the calculation of the member’s retirement benefit. The contributions are automatically deducted from each salary distribution and are not considered taxable income in the year the deductions are made.

Assets and Income

CCPF has assets of more than $10 billion that are invested by the Retirement Board through an Investment Consultant and Investment Managers. In addition to the income earned from investment activity, CCPF receives employee contributions through payroll deductions and employer contributions derived from an annual tax levy. The Cook County employer contributions have been fixed since 1984 at a rate of 1.54 times the employee contributions made in a fiscal year. 

  2021 2020




Retirees & Beneficiaries



Actuarial Value of Assets

$12.8 Billion

$11.8 Billion

Employer Contributions

$541.3 Million

$509.2 Million

Employee Contributions

$133.6 Million

$134.2 Million

Funded Ratio



Projected Insolvency Date





Financial Reports 

The financial reports provide additional information about the financial condition of the County Fund. To view reports from prior years, visit Annual Financial Reports.