About the Retirement Board

Cook County Pension Fund (CCPF) is governed by a nine-member Retirement Board.

  • Four are elected by the employees of Cook County and the Forest Preserve District
  • Three are elected by retirees of Cook County and the Forest Preserve District
  • Two are ex officio seats appointed by the Comptroller and Treasurer of Cook County

Board of Trustees

The Cook County Pension Fund (CCPF) is governed by a nine-member Board of Trustees:

Trustee Trustee Email
Kevin Ochalla, President kochalla-trustee@countypension.com
Tracy Reed, Vice President treed-trustee@countypension.com
Harold Dardick, Secretary hdardick@countypension.com
Tanya Anthony tanthony@countypension.com
Siobhain Martin  smartin@countypension.com
Lakeisha Marvel lmarvel@countypension.com
Patrick J. McFadden trustee@countypension.com
Jerry Pray jpray@countypension.com
Samuel Richardson Jr. srichardson@countypension.com


CCPF Retirement Board

Trustees are responsible for the prudent management of CCPF’s retirement assets, and for making sure the money is there to pay the benefits earned by every CCPF member and beneficiary, now and for years to come. Ultimately, the Retirement Board carries the responsibility to ensure that CCPF continues to be a well-run, successful pension fund.

The CCPF Retirement Board meets on a monthly basis and periodically as needed. The Board is also divided into Committees to deal with different areas of business.

Board members serve three-year staggered terms, so that no more than three positions are subject to election each year. CCPF has common Trustees and shares office space and administrative services with the Forest Preserve District Fund. Trustees serve without compensation.

Trustee Election

An election is only held if there are two or more candidates running for a trustee position. To read more about trustee elections visit about retirement board elections.

Board Meeting Schedule

The Board meets on a monthly basis for full board meetings and periodically as determined by the President. See the Board and Committee Dates to view the meeting schedule.  A notice is posted two weeks prior to each meeting and the agenda is posted one week prior to each meeting.   

In addition, to provide dedicated focus and strategy on key issues, the Board has formed the following standing committees. 

  1. Investment Committee
  2. Health Benefits Committee
  3. Emerging Manager Investment Sub-Committee
  4. Legislative & Rules Committee

These committees meet periodically throughout the year.